Sunday, April 10, 2011

Everything Is Secondary...

... to time spent with family and close friends. Nahla and Mummy arrived back in Oslo this afternoon, after a lovely lovely week spent with Bestemor and Bestefar, and rounded off by two precious days in Tromsø with Best Friend Ingrid and her beautiful family. Seeing our two little girls play together (Solveig is 11 months older than Nahla) is the cutest thing and makes us feel like the luckiest mummies in the world. Meeting other best friend Eirin and finally getting to meet beautiful little Lilly who joined their family a mere month ago, was also pretty spectacular. Some shopping, award winning lattes at 4 Roser, late night glasses of wine and a lot of gossip after all the babies were tucked up in bed rounded our days off perfectly!

And now, having went straight from the airport to a birthday party for too-cute-for-words cousin Therese who turned 7 today, we are home. And as Nahla slumbers sweetly in her bed, Mummy frantically unpacks and re-packs for Ireland in the morning! Phew!

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