Sunday, March 6, 2011


When you are dealing with a toddler in your house, you better just get used to stuff going missing. Stuff ending up where it is not meant to go. Stuff getting broken. A lot. Stuff getting machine washed by mistake because "somebody" left it inside the washing machine and then stressed out mummy forgot to empty the machine of Igglepiggles and teaspoons and wooden toy cupcakes before she put a wash on. Stuff getting covered with sticky stuff. Stuff getting hidden and only to reappear after you have given up looking and bought a replacement necklace/phone charger/toothbrush. You get the picture! Welcome to my life!

EXHIBIT A: Blackberry stuffed into the bath-toy holder. Is it any wonder it died?!

EXHIBIT B: Wind-up Dinosaur that on several attempts have nearly killed me as I keep tripping over the **%! thing in an attempt to not step on on and cut my foot - which has also happened on a few occasions.

EXHIBIT C: Photo framed that eventually broke after having been ripped down from its "I-thought-it-was-safe" position on the bookshelf FIVE THOUSAND TIMES.

EXHIBIT D: Lotions and potions scattered across the bathroom floor - four hundred times a day. No point in even attempting to tidy up until after 8 PM.

EXHIBIT E: Mummy's new little purse - found in N's potty after a frantic search operation...

EXHIBIT F: "Hm... I wonder, DID I leave something in here lately...?" Uh, yes, Nahla, only Mummy's Tom Ford sunglasses!!!

And so motherhood goes....!

1 comment:

  1. that is hilarious! so much fun with babies around!
