Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Antioxidant Addiction

I don't know about you, but I, for one, think I am developing a small addiction to all things antioxidant loaded. Why, you ask? Surely antioxidant is a rather strange, and well, a tad boring, thing, on which to become addicted.

And you are right, off course. But, and this is a big but, surely antioxidants are good for you? Even better, great for you - and you skin! And this is, I suspect, the crunch. I have in my job, and I guess everyday life, been bombarded with information on the importance of antioxidants, how they can (almost) reverse the ageing process, keep you looking fresh and yummy, basically be little drops of youth in a bottle. Or, more likely, a pill. Or, off course, straight from the kale/blueberry/pepper. And I TOTALLY buy into it, off course. 5 a day? try 9 a day. My bathroom cabinets contains so many vitamins and boosters and omegas that you could keep a small nation alive (or, maybe not alive, but certainly younger looking!), my fridge is a testament to Gillian McKeith and her "you are what you eat" mantra. Skin Food, is a new word. Superfood. Organic. You name it, I have eaten it.

And now, my latest "find" in the antioxidant department - or actually down some aisle in Boots - is this little gem. Pomegranate is one of the fruits that contains the absolute highest level of antioxidants, so a shot of this every mornings surely will set me up for the day. Combined with my superfood smoothie, green tea, a handful of omega 3,6 and 9 tablets and a selection of other highly potent little keep-me-healthy-and-young pills, I am ready. Ah, and off course my must-have morning latte! But; the good news, coffee beans are choc full of, you guessed it, ANTIOXIDANTS!

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