Friday, February 18, 2011

Time Management - The Gwyneth Way

If you, like me, sometimes wonder how come your days have seem to got significantly shorter since becoming a mother, this post is worth skimming through. Because the ever so busy Ms. Paltrow (actress/now-also-singer/mother/G.O.O.P founder/writer/editor) shares her secrets to making family life run as smoothly as possible.

And I'll hand it to Gwynnie, she is one organizing mama, all right. Not that I am that hopeless, I try to be pretty organized too, it comes with the obsessive-compulsive need for perfection territory I'm afraid, but still, regardless how many to-do lists I write, how many outfit combinations I have ready the night before, how weekly meal lists I prepare, I still sometimes find that I could have so done with an extra 3-4 hours in my day. And I am NEVER in bed before 1 A.M., so you can imagine the need for more waking hours. Is it just another thing that comes with motherhood, I wonder, this leaking of hours from your days?!

Anyway, I will take onboard Gwyneths ideas, finely tune my own and then here's to better managed time, more quality time with what matters and total and utter multi tasking mama-skills!

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