Monday, February 28, 2011

Start As You Mean To Go On

I HAVE to have breakfast every morning. If I don't, I'm like Monster Mummy as well as being TERRIBLY at my job. Snapping at people down the phone when you are trying to interview them is Not A Good Thing. Trust me.

But with breakfast down, I am a happy sunny person who can shake my head and tut-tut with a smile when my baby smears MAC lipgloss on my suede Alexander Wang boots and patiently listen to people telling me all about their winter break when all I am trying to do, is get the details of their home renovation for a piece I'm writing. See; breakfast really IS the most important meal of the day!

And as for my breakfast of choice this morning? Renee Voltaire's incredibly yummy granola, sprinkled over some soy vanilla yoghurt and topped with half a banana. YUM! And now; all I need is my latte, and I am good to go!

Have a fab day! xxx


  1. I have to eat breakfast too. If I don't I eat so much junk all day to make up how hungry I am.

  2. Tell me about it; I am total Monster Mummy without it! :) And I am better at avoidng that 3 PM bar of chocolate if I make sure I fill up at breakfast! xxx
