Sunday, February 13, 2011

Run, Mummy; Run

If there is one thing I long for more than anything when it comes to the end of winter drawing near, it is to be able to go running again. Outside, just me and my iPod (I treated myself to the new Nano just to keep myself motivated come running season!) Much as I love yoga, and classes and spinning and piloxing and all the other new ideas Norwegian gyms seem to steal from our more innovative friends across the pond, nothing beats running.

The simplest reason I suppose is because it works. It's (apart from the gear) free. It is pure meditation when you find yourself pounding the pavement with nothing keeping you company but your own breath. When living in Dublin I found myself going for a proper run every afternoon after work. It helped that I lived 5 minutes from the office so there was no horrendous commute to dampen my spirit. I used to come home, get changed into my running clothes and hit the road. It was the best stress release of all. It cleared my mind after a hectic day. It made me discover the city all over again. It kept me fit- for free. And it became a much loved habit.

And now; although having done it sporadically over the year that has gone by, I am now more so than ever ready to find my running form once again. And what better way to start then by investing in some brand new running clothes?! Nike is my favorite, but I am loving the idea of browsing for some new let's-get-fit stuff!

(All images from procusers.)

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