Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My New Lifesaver

I am pretty sure I have raved about how AMAZING The Organic Pharmacy is before - but a good thing can surely not be said too often, no? This line of organic skincare goods are completely sans artificial preservatives, fragrances, colorants, petrochemicals and animal ingredients. HEART!

This Lip & Eye Cream, which is my latest cannot-live-without-you product is a super nourishing, dual action cream that gives moisture to the lips and eye area, strengthens cells and acts as a protective barrier for the sensitive skin. It's gentle enough to use every day - which I do - and perfect for mornings as it brightens and helps to reduce puffiness and dark circles. Now, could this be more perfect for a working mama like myself?! I'm obsessed!

Here, just because we should know what goes into our bodies AND on our skin - are the highlighted organic ingredients and their effects:

Eye Bright: a wonderful tonic and anti-inflammatory for the eye area
Fennel: antibacterial, decongesting and toning action
Evening primrose oil: high essential fatty acid content helps repair dry cracked lips
Frankincense: anti-wrinkle and anti-inflammatory action
Bilberry: high in anti-oxidants and gentle fruit acids that reduce redness while toning and rejuvenating the skin
Rosehip: clinically proven to reduce scarring and the appearance of wrinkles, while conditioning the skin
Marigold: anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, soothing and healing

Besides the green factor, which I utterly love, it really does open your eyes to bigger and better things! I've been using mine every day (and night!) lately and I swear my skin has never looked better! Surely that makes this worth a trip to London in itself - I feel an expensive visit to The Organic Pharmacy coming up!

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