Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It's Not The Same

Popping into Deli de Luca this afternoon, after meeting up with dear old friend B, I excitedly discovered that you can now get Starbucks iced drinks -granted it is the ready made version - in shops in Norway. To those who know me, this must seem like a magical moment, knowing how much I miss my daily Starbucks hit. I am not normally a fan of the iced ones, as they tend to be overly sugary and don' t really taste much like coffee in my opinion, but sure as it was there, I had to try them, so I grabbed a regular latte one and a mocca one, just to see really.
And I am sorry to report that they were not even the slightest bit nice. Not refreshing, not anything, really, except laden with sugar and a watered out taste of milk. Yuck. But; there is light at the end of the tunnel as our little trip to Ireland is now only a couple of weeks away. And not only will I be able to pop into my favorite local Dublin Starbucks for a venti peppermint non-fat latte, but it will also be spring. Halleluja!

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