Saturday, January 15, 2011

Yep. We're THIS Tired!

These pictures of Nahla represents perfectly how we both felt (I am assuming she felt the same as me, by the way!) this morning. After two very hectic days, I am beginning to understand just how exhausting it can be trying to work full-time in a very hectic job, as well as being a mum. As well as being a girlfriend. As well as trying to make our new existence run like clockwork. And when two days of this new working mama life- which was a running start after months and months of maternity leave- was topped off by getting locked out of our house and unable to get in and home till 10.30 last night, you can begin to imagine our exhaustion. Now, don't get me wrong, Nahla has had two fabulous days, playing and enjoying some proper quality time with her beloved daddy. And for the next couple of weeks she will do much the same with Bestemor (Granny) - as Daddy has to work too- before she will go into daycare. And I have LOVED being in work. Loved making magazines again. Loved writing. Loved the buzz of office life. Loved getting dressed up in the mornings. Loved being a journalist again. But new hectic days ahead? FOR SURE!

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