Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"The Most Fashionable Baby Ever"

Rachel Zoe's husband Rodger Berman recently stated that he reckons he and his wife are going to have "the most fashionable baby ever." I'd say you're pretty close to being bang on the money there, Rodge. I mean; how bananas crazy over-the-top stylish is Rach going to have that little baby boy dressed?! I for one cannot wait to see!

The fashion stylists husband writes in an article for Harper's Bazaar, "I won't be surprised if our baby has Chanel diapers, Missoni blankets, and an Hermès bassinet. People say he or she is going to be the most fashionable baby ever. And I believe them." Now, I am sure not even Zoebot herself is going to deck her tot out in Chanel diapers, but to throw a little Missoni blanket over his moses basket, I am all in!

Recently the couple let it slip that they are expecting a baby boy as their lives are currently being filmed for the fourth season of The Rachel Zoe Project. Come on, Rachel, bring on the maternity wear extravaganza! I DIE!

(Photo Credit from here)

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