Monday, January 3, 2011

Give It All Up...

... is what the gorgeous Halle Berry claims she would do for her 2-year old munchkin Nahla(!). Tell me about it, Halle! The 44-year old(!) actress (seriously, she is 44!!) reveals that her 2-year-old has made her less focused on her career and also influences her taste in men. Children does shift your priorities in the greatest way- and it seems Hollywood mamas are no different than the rest of us in this regard.

"I love making movies but I would give it all up to be with my daughter if I had to because she's the love of my life. She's made me a better person because everything I do and say, everything I want and don't want, I think first, 'Will this be best for her?' " Berry recently explained in an interview. "When you have children you get to see things all over again," she said. "So I've never laughed as hard, I've never done more silly things, and I go to great lengths to make her laugh. She's awakened a childlike side of me."

The Oscar winner - who is currently dating actor Oliver Martinez ( swoon!) - also admits that Nahla influences her taste in men. "Every choice I make now, and that includes who I choose to spend personal time with as a partner, is not just about me any more, it's about what's best for her." Gabriel who?? And to top it off; has Halle EVER looked better?? The dress. The jewels. The laid-back flip-flops. YUMMY MAMA for sure!

(Photo Credit from here)

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