Friday, December 17, 2010

Winter Skin Must-Have- Trust Me!

A couple of years ago I attended the opening of a new branch of Space NK (it is like a beauty junky's candy store; seriously!) and in my goodie bag I was given, amongst other (amazingly yummy) items, a little tube of Wind and Cold Therapy, from Elemental Herbology. I had at that point never heard of the brand, but as I am a sucker for freebies- and especially really expensive beauty-goodies ones- sure one by one I made sure I tried out every pot and jar in that bag. And when I came to this little tube I read on the back "use on lips, hands, cuticles etc.", took it for a little gem of a multi-tasker and tossed in my handbag. When I first tried it, what got me was the absolutely yummy taste- v. candy like and not at all as gross as some "all natural" products tend to be. And it did indeed heal my winter-dry lips. Soothe hands that have been washed one too many times in any given day (it comes with the job when you're a mum!) and made my cuticles soft and very "just-had-a-manicure" looking. I have also used it as cold cream when the temperatures have dropped way below too cold. Have coated little Nahla's red-from-cold cheeks in the stuff. Tamed unruly eyebrows. And even used it as make-do nipple cream back in the oh-my-God-my-boobs-are-so-sore days of breastfeeding! So if any product has ever deserved the label of multitasking; this, my friends, is it.

Now a firm addict, I make sure there is always a tube (or two!) lurking in the bottom of my handbag. I have given them as presents to friends and family. Spoke fondly of it to more. And it is always always on my stocking-up list whenever passing through a branch of Space NK. And when even Harper's Bazaar puts it in their 10 Best Winter Skin Savers list, sure you just know you are on to a good thing! Go buy!

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