Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Our New Life-Saver...

... was a Daddy-must-buy the last time we traipsed through Hamley's Toystore. Ever since Nahla was born we have said over and over again how handy it would have been if the little music device attached to her cot had come with a remote control- as we constantly found ourselves running in and out of her room, flicking that little sheep-shaped switch on and on and on until, finally, she caved in and went asleep. Which on some nights would be as many as 37 (I counted!) times. Which, when you are in the midst of doing other things that you would do once baby is in bed, would be rather time-consuming. To say the least. But anyway, I am moving away from the main story. Back to Hamley's last week, when delighted Daddy/BF/Man-in-need-of-some-peace-and-quiet-once-precious-child-is-asleep stumbled upon this genius device:

Ta-Da: The VTech's Sleepy Bear Soothe & Surprise, who's inventor deserves the Nobel Prize as far as we are concerned. So cute and smart and hard-working, they should hand them out at maternity wards all over. It comes with soothing natural sound effects, 30 calming melodies including two sung-songs plus a magical light projector! I kid you not; it actually projects a little light show onto the ceiling above Nahla's cot! And the absolute best part is that: 1. Our little munchkin LOVES it and 2. The remote control actually is as good and handy as we thought it would be. Oh, and 3: It looks super-cute attached to her lovely Mamas&Papas cot! The timer function is pretty handy too, letting us decide that it switches off after either 5, 10 or 15 minutes. GENUIS!

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