Saturday, December 18, 2010

If You Give A Mom A Martini...

... is THE gift I will be giving all my mummy friends for their birthdays throughout 2011! Seriously- I haven't laughed this much in a LONG time! I know I have previously mentioned those little stolen moments of me-time, and how utterly dependent you become on them when you suddenly find that you are a mother- and that the person you once were is slightly buried under a mountain of puréed fruit, brightly colored toys and some serious amounts of tiny clothes that CONSTANTLY seems to need washing.

Pals (and working mamas) Julie Klappas and Lyss Stern- who wrote this gem of a book- were those kinds of moms too. “We both have two kids under 8, and we were laughing while telling each other, ‘I haven’t had a second to go to the bathroom today,’ or, ‘I haven’t even had a cup of coffee,’ ” Stern told PEOPLE Moms & Babies. And so; these two time-stretched ladies came up with a lot of clever ways in which a busy mummy can find a few minutes for herself EVERY DAY.

In short; If You Give a Mom a Martini is a little book with 100 ways for mums to get 10 minutes for themselves. Each page gives you an idea that you can implement in just 10 minutes to feel better about yourself and that will help you regain a little bit of “you”. GENIUS.

Like Number 6:
“still wearing maternity pants a year after giving birth? Don’t feel so bad. Log onto and be reminded that even the most gorgeous stars have their moments. . . . . . . . . . ”
“Poring over photos of celebrity fashion disasters may not be the most enriching use of your time, but it will make you feel a wee bit better when your child spills juice on your white shirt. Again.” PRICELESS!

Or Number 89:
“Set up a photo slide show on your computer of a fabulous vacation you took in your pre-mommy life." As you press play, sit back, relax and remember trips that did not include Kids Clubs, chicken nuggets and pools that without a doubt have some pee in them...” Oh, the memories!

Other ideas include playing Wii Sports when your kids aren’t home (that is if you don't already use it for your regular morning yoga..), throwing out your “granny panties” and only keeping the sexy lingerie, and escaping to the grocery store for a few minutes to enjoy some free samples. I know that "let me just get out to Tesco for a few minutes and I'll return a better mother, girlfriend, human" feeling, for sure!

Order your copy from here and learn how to squeeze in some much needed Me Time!

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