Thursday, December 16, 2010

Fathers and Sons...

... are such a cute sight. Like big tough guys with their little mini-men! And much the same as I gush over photos of mothers and their daughters, I think the father/son bond is a force to be reckoned with too. Fatherhood seems to come so natural to some, like these guys, who manage to look incredibly masculine and man-like, while still appear soft and caring about their little hopefuls. Heart-melting stuff!

David and Brooklyn Beckham (who is already 11 1/2!!)- has ever two men looked more dapper in their suits?? The pair was in London for The MILLIES (The Sun Military Awards) and looked like they enjoyed some quality father/son time together.

Recently single Jordan Bratman took his adorable tot Max out for a fun day of pottery painting at Color Me Mine in Beverly Hills this week. The 2-year old looked like he was enjoying his creative outing with daddy! Max has been enjoying some quality daddy-time while his mum Christina Aguilera isaway promoting new film Burlesque in Europe.

Well, if it isn't the worlds' most famous father-of-six and his youngest son, Knox?! The hands-on father is evidently more family than rock'n'roll these days, as his costars in the upcoming film Moneyball could confirm. "Brad often brought his whole brood along to visit him on set." Nwahh!

Here is a father/son duo we see snaps of all the time, most often on the school-run or out buying groceries or other everyday family stuff. Matthew Broderick and his little man, James Wilkie, look like they are having a fun walk- and might be enjoying a manly break from all the utter girly-ness they are bound to have at home, with SJP and little Tabhita and Loretta!

The Wentz boys always look to cool for school when snapped out and about together. Rocker-dad Pete and little Bronx Mowgli, 2, were out buying groceries at their local Whole Foods in California this week- maybe mummy Ashlee was treated to some yummy home-cooked dinner??

(Photo Credit from here)

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