Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cold Weather Cooking Contest

Ok then, it's not really a contest, but this morning, as it is yet again one of the coldest mornings known to (at least in Ireland!) man, we figured we might as well be useful with our inside-time and cook up some yummy dinners for Nahla that we can freeze, and have handy for later. And so, inspired by the latest issue of Mother & Baby magazine I picked up yesterday, I am having a go at the Salmon, Broccoli and Butternut Squash Purée recipe, which will make for some tasty meals for our little princess. The recipes are by feeding guru to the (mini!) stars, Annabel Karmel, so mommy-mafia stamp of approval for sure.

Later on today I will have to brave the cold to run around and get my last few bits and bobs organized, as Mummy and Nahla are flying home to Oslo tomorrow for Christmas! Daddy will join us in a week or so, but in the meantime we have a million presents to buy, parties to go to, Christmas events to attend, cookies to bake and in general, just get ready for Nahla's very first Christmas!

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