Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Travel Pro 1 And 2...

... have arrived safely back in Oslo, after a lovely lovely week spent in the company of family and friends. The trip went smoothly- as they always do- and hauling our vast amount of luggage from arrivals hall to the airport express bus was by far the most exhausting task. It makes me wonder when I hear people moaning how hard traveling with children is. Sure there are things to take into consideration. And yes, your handbag will be filled to its capacity with spare diapers and wipes and Ella's smoothies and small animal figures and battery operated books (that probably annoy the life out of your fellow passengers!) and rice crackers and babygro's and other essentials. And you might have to overcome your claustrophobia to change the odd diaper inside the very cramped airplane bathrooms. But seriously, are you going to let becoming a mummy stop you from going places? Seeing things? And more importantly; Show them the world? Letting them see new people and places?? Making memories you'll treasure forever?

I have now traveled on 37 flights with Nahla. We have been to 5 countries (will make that 6 or 7 before she turns 1!). We have hauled luggage and suitcases and bags around Charles de Gaulle and Heathrow and Gatwick and Gardermoen- to name a few. We have changed a fair few mid-air diapers. Have sung and cuddled and crawled- probably to the amusement/frustration of other passengers. I have had my boob out on 4 different airlines. Our Prampack looks more than a little worn at this stage. But most importantly, we have had an AMAZING time- and are already looking forward to our next trip (Note: Ireland on Sunday!)

Sure my arm has hurt a little from that heavy handbag. And Nahla- LOVING her Babybjörn- now weighs a little more than she did a few months ago- which my back can totally recognize. Sometimes you look a little less than glamorous when arriving at your destination due to the previously mentioned Ella's smoothie or fingers sticky from other unidentified substances. But all of that does not matter when you get there. Wherever it is you are going. When you realize that seeing places with your beloved baby, will be so very very special. When you can show her the world. Parade her down the Champs Elysées. Or point out the bright red double-deckers on London's Regent Street. Or hear her babble happily when walking through Dublin Zoo.

And the best part? We have only just begun. Sure we might hit some rough patches when she learns to walk and wants to run around and not sit strapped in. Or when (IF, I hope!) hit her Terrible Two's and every other traveler onboard might HATE me towards the end of the flight. But we won't let that stop us. Motherhood is a job scattered with challenges and rules to be broken and lessons learnt and adventures to be had.

Nahla is a well-seasoned little traveler as you can see; helping out with the heavy bags and then, patiently sitting pretty- with her BF Igglepiggle- in the luggage trolly while Mummy navigate through the busy Christmas decorated airport. And now, it's Home, Sweet Home!


  1. Chicks, you set the standard so high it's out of sight. Speaking of things trendy, that inevitably come from one of the countries you've already visited, check out this "dossier" http://www.elle.fr/elle/Maman/Mon-enfant/Style/Tout-pour-les-kids-d-un-clic/Pour-une-garde-robe-et-des-soins-styles/%28gid%29/1235925

    Off to work on my essay, at the bright-eyed and bushy-tailed hour of 10pm. Bon nuit!

  2. bon nuit, ma cherie! btw- arriving on your shores sunday! in dire need of catch-up! :) xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
