Saturday, November 13, 2010

Preparing For Party Season

As the invitations for dinners and cocktails and parties and reunions have started pouring in for the party season ahead, this Mummy has realized that it is about time to start the preparations. As I (as always) want this Christmas to be THE Christmas in terms of fun, joy and fabulousness, everything has to be perfect. And glowing skin is one of the cornerstones of perfect-ness in my book! My bathroom cabinets are stuffed to their full capacity with lotions and potions provided by generous PR ladies and a lifestyle that sees me running through duty free on a regular basis, and yet I still find myself browsing the pages of Strawberry Net and Lookfanatastic, you know, just in case there is some new wonder-balm I am missing in my collection.

I think what works for me though are my usual favorites: enough sleep (fat chance with my schedule AND happy early morning riser!), LOTS of water (Vitamin Water is great is you find yourself not getting you five-a-day everyday), skin boosting super-foods like salmon, nuts and avocado and then; bring on the science- in the shape of miracle and eternal-youth-promising creams, masks and serums.

I HEART Dermalogica's Multivitamin Power Recovery Mask and use if at least twice a week in the colder winter months. Creme de la Mer, the facecream, is another fab must-have to make sure you look like the best version of yourself. Other favorites, some of which I suspect I have raved about before, are MAC's Face and Body foundation- brilliant for creating flawless arms and legs too- AND cover up any fake-tan disasters, Clarins Beauty Flash Balm- love love love, my trusted YSL concealer and MAC cream blush; and voila; glowing and gorgeous! Note: these are some of a VARIETY of products that regularly make an appearance in my make-up bag, but I also mix and match A LOT; always afraid of missing out on the Next Big Thing!

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