Monday, November 15, 2010

Leander LOVE!

Is it alarming that the only regrets I have so far in motherhood is over STUFF I DIDN'T buy?!?! Yes, you say. And I hear you- for sure. It's just that there is so much amazing stuff for babies! Seriously. Gorgeous gorgeous things. Some of which I did not buy. To my deepest regret. I know I have raved about the stunning- and practical(!)- Bloom high chair before, which I am so sorry I didn't invest in from the beginning.

Another thing I wish I had bought for my little princess is the truly exquisite Leander cradle. So so beautiful it makes my heart stop whenever I see it pictured in magazines. Nahla now is FAR to big- and mobile- to ever be put in a device hanging from the ceiling, but for my next baby- whenever that may be(!)- the Leander cradle will come live in our house!

(Photo Credit from here)

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