Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Currently Reading...

... and being VERY inspired too. To those who know me, my obsession with healthy food and nutrition and comes as no surprise really. In college, the majority of my papers were on food and health, the secrets of the food industry and other topics in this genre. I am an avid reader of books regarding this issue. (Nutrition for Dummies, Skinny Bitch, The Kind Diet, SuperMat and Food is Better Medicine Than Drugs anyone?!) I WITHOUT EXCEPTION read the back of every item of food I buy. If at all possible, I choose organic. I avoid E-numbers, refined sugars, artificial sweeteners, white over-processed flour products. I try to avoid cows-milk as much as possible. I try to cram as many Superfoods into my daily diet as I can and I LOVE Gillian McKeith. Told you; totally obsessive!

Food is a long and complex issue- especially after becoming a mother and suddenly finding myself responsible for my baby's health, well-being and life-long relationship with food. I try and make sure Nahla eats only organic. I want her to love and enjoy her food, and- in time- be aware and mindful about what she is eating and why. I want her to grow to love fruit and vegetables and all things good for her. But- and this is important- I know that I will never want her never to have treats. To not be able to go to birthday parties and have cupcakes and candy. Or to bake with me and lick the bowl of icing. Life is all about balance- and as the saying goes, it's not what you eat between Christmas and New Years that matters, it's what you eat between New Years and Christmas that does. And I know- and believe wholeheartedly- that if you eat lovely fresh healthy good-for-you food 80% of the time, the 20% doesn't really have an impact on your body and health. And as well, the more lovely food you treat your body to, the less crap you are going to want to shove in your mouth.

Anyway, I am sure there will be many more posts regarding this close-to-my-heart issue, tips, ideas, recipes and more, but for now, I just wanted to recommend this book to everyone that wants to learn a bit more about the raw-food movement, try out some very yummy recipes and just, maybe, try and substitute your nightly Jaffa cakes or Oreos for something a tad more healthy- and yum!

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