Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Touch Of (TGI) Friday Feeling...

... on a Saturday night, when pumpkin and Mummy met my dad, Nahla's beloved Bestefar, for dinner in the city, as he was passing through town en route to Germany with work. And aside from a little "I-Don't-Want-To-Sit-Up-And-Eat-I-Want-To-Crawl-Around-On-The-Floor" moment from little Royal Highness, it was one of those perfect perfect family evenings. Which we rounded up by a lovely little walk down Karl Johan (Oslo's lively main street) and a take away latte from Kaffebrenneriet- thank God for the late open one at Saga cinema! And now; Nahla fast asleep and Mummy clad in Juicy and curled up for a quiet night in- in preparation for a busy Halloween celebration tomorrow!

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