Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mummy-Flu And Baby-Flu...

... surely is worse than any man-flu I have ever encountered. I kid you not. Mummy and Nahla have both been sick since we woke up Monday morning, fever, sore throat, nausea, headache; the full seasonal flu I suspect. And this is the part no-one shows in you in the movies when people have babies and it looks all heartbreakingly sweet. I am talking barely being able to drag yourself out of bed to get sick in the bathroom, with a screaming baby attached to your leg. An apartment that looks like a DISASTER. A baby, that normally sleeps like an angel all night, suddenly standing up in her cot shouting at 3 A.M- to a point where sobbing Mummy saves her and both fall into a fever like coma in Mummy's bed. Total and utter mayhem in other words. With a few harsh truths learned along the way the last couple of days:

1. Fever affects children and adults in COMPLETELY different ways. While I was more dead than alive with a temperature of 39,4
C, Nahla was in flying form when the thermometer showed 40,2 C, wanting to play, be carried and generally just get on with her day.
2. It is amazing how exhausted two days with absolutely no food and just apple juice will make you. This is me, by the way.
Nahla had a close-to-normal appetite, it just all came back up afterwards.
3. Wiping up mashed chicken, sweet potato and broccoli when you are feeling not your best is, at best, challenging.
4. Embracing mess and chaos becomes inevitable, as worrying over dust and unwashed laundry on top of taking care of sick
more sick would have been the end of me.

So there you go, the reason why I have been less than good at updating this blog. Basically at doing anything apart from sleep, trying to sleep, make sure Nahla slept, trying to eat, realizing I couldn't eat, make food for Nahla, wipe up all the food that resurfaced again- and then repeating the circle over and over again. But I am happy to report that we are slowly resuming somewhat of normality here chez Mummy and Nahla. Fever down. Appetite on the up. No sign of sick since yesterday lunchtime. Apartment still a mess, but will get better. We have both showered. We have changed form pj's to normal clothes. Here's to health!