Monday, October 4, 2010

Mama Magic!

I know I mentioned it before, but this deserves more attention, for sure. As previously mentioned (a lot!) on this blog, I LOVE fashion, love love love it, and buy and read A LOT of fashion magazines.

And since having Nahla, I have added many mummy and baby magazines to my monthly magazine budget. And what has been bothering me about the editorial content about many of them, is that the fashion spreads and shopping pages have been, well, less than fabulous to say the least. It's as if you are meant to stop caring about such shallow things as fashion when you become A Mother. Which, to me, just not is the case. Nor is it the case with any of my mummy friends actually.

I mean, why in God's name should you stop being who you are, stop wanting to look your best, stop wanting to look hot for your husband/boyfriend/partner, stop keeping your finger on the fashion pulse, just because you produced a child?! It is not as if caring about one, makes you care less about the other! I became slightly obsessed with trying to find mummy magazines that actually, on top of useful baby information, also caters for the fashion conscious mummy.

And in a pile of magazines that don't, I found ONE that does. Swedish magazine Mama is acing the category. Seriously. Their fashion spreads, both for mummy and baby, are stunning. They make me want to run out and buy everything in the magazine. And that does not mean that they are compromising other baby related content. They just seem to have editors and journalists that have realized that giving birth might change your body in many ways, but it does not surgically remove your sense of style! Thank God.

And now every month I anticipate the arrival of the next issue, knowing it will satisfy my hunger for mummy-friendly fashion, super-cute style tips for my little mini-me as well as give me lots of interesting articles, tips and ideas and topics that are always current and always useful for us busy, loving, fashion obsessed mummies!

(All images from Mama, Oct. 2010 edition)


  1. You are very lucky.
    Here in Australia only one magazine talks about mumma fashion & it only comes out twice a year.
    I kills me that all the other mama magazines that come out once a month have nothing on how to dress your self unless you are pregnant.
    Makes me want to create my own magazine for mothers.

  2. Hi Victoria! I know, lots of the magazines I buy are like that as well, all about dressing your bump- and nothing about dressing you and your baby once it has arrived! I buy lots of British magazines, and they are all like that, it's only this Swedish one that rocks! And tell me about it, I toy with the idea of a mummy fashion magazine daily- would be a dream job! :) xxx
