Thursday, October 21, 2010

Kilkenny Fun!

Yesterday, as it was a stunning Irish autumn day, this little family headed down to lovely Kilkenny on a little roadtrip/family day out. It always baffles me in Ireland how close together everything is, towns and cities and counties mere minutes away from each other, linked by new motorways and bypasses. In Norway, by contrast, places tend to be miles apart. Hours, days almost. And in between there is nothing but nothing but woods. And some mountains. And fjords. You know, pretty scenic stuff to look at, but my God it makes for a boring drive. I prefer the "let's throw in a Starbucks every few miles" variety of roadtrips, scattered with some picturesque towns with cute little boutiques, a couple of idyllic picnic spots, maybe- and you get the idea.

Anyway, to Kilkenny we went. And what a cute place!

We visited the stunning Kilkenny Castle...

...walked around the impressive grounds...

...tried out the playground...

... had lunch at the beautiful West Bank...

... squeezed in some shopping...

... mummy got to rock her new shoes...

... and all in all just enjoyed each other and...

.... the beautiful Irish weather and countryside.

Safe to say, a fun day was had by all. BLISS!

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