Sunday, October 10, 2010

It Was A Family Affair..

... yesterday afternoon, when myself and Nahla and Bestemor and Bestefar (Granny and Granddad) were in town for some brunch and a spot a shopping, and were suddenly joined by my dad's brother, his wife (my auntie and uncle), my cousin who lives in Copenhagen and his husband, who were in town for the weekend only. Having not seen my cousin for ages (t was the first time they met Nahla!), sure we all wanted to sit down somewhere and catch up- and as you can imagine, finding a table for 8 in the city centre on a Saturday afternoon can prove a bit of a challenge. But luckily my cousin knew of this adorable little cake-shop, just behind Storinget (the Parliament), Halvorsen's Conditori. I cannot believe I did not know about this gem of a place, so perfect perfect for a little tea and cake with a vintage feel! Anyway, it was such a great surprising afternoon, it always amazes me how uplifting and comforting it is to spend some time with family. Just goes to show, family really is the glue that holds everything together!

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