Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Feed Me, Mummy!

Nahla was most definitively having an "eating day" today- as opposed to the days where she is not interested in food what so ever and sleep/play/making a mess is at the top of her agenda. But today it was food. Food, food and more food. Anything pretty much would do, as long as she could eat it. And this evening, after having had not only her own dinner, but also parts of mine (salmon, spinach and sweet potato- yum!), she managed to dive into my handbag, get out a packet of Ella's Kitchen Baby Brekkie (the mango one), and just sat there clutching it until I realized she actually wanted to eat it- and fed my poor starving child! And now, fed (a lot!) bathed, read to, cuddled and kissed, my little pumpkin princess is catching her z's and dreaming of raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens! Night, xoxo

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