Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Back To The Cold...

... in Oslo again today. So sad to leave Daddy/BF behind, but we need a couple of weeks to pack up more stuff and get ready for our move. And both Nahla and Mummy are excited to come home to see family and friends again, like little baby Emine, for instance, who is fast approaching 7 weeks old! And then there is the annual Halloween party at my auntie and uncle's this weekend, always fun and scary! And we are also trying to squeeze in a visit up north at some point, the last one of the year, and most likely for a few months anyway.

Our flight today went trouble-free as usual, seasoned travellers that we are at this stage. Imagine, Nahla, 10 months old, with five countries and 30-something flights under her belt already! My little globetrotting tot!

Dublin was cold enough this morning, but back home it was freezing! I mean, sub zero stuff! So now, that Nahla is tucked up in her warm bed, I am snuggled up with some hot tea (Clipper Green Tea with Lemon is my favorite!), and plenty of scented candles lit. Long cold evenings, I embrace you!

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