Thursday, September 9, 2010

Who Said UGLY Can't Be Cute?!

Loving Norwegian label Ugly Children's Clothing. I just HAD to order Nahla this pink Marius lice pattern babygro! The Marius pattern is an ultra-classic Norwegian knitting pattern. Designed by Unn Søiland Dale, and named after the Alpine skier Marius Eriksen, it is the single most knitted pattern in Norway. Which makes perfect sense if we are going to be residing mostly in Ireland over the next few months, my little Norwegian/Irish princess keeping in touch with her Scandinavian roots. The UGLY clothes are totally worth checking out, they have some adorable stuff. The company was set up as a couple of Norwegian fathers found it really hard to find cool clothes for their baby sons, noticing the fact that most shops overflow with stuff for girls and not so much for the little mini-men. Or, according to themselves: "It all started with three men and a baby. A really small boy. And with him came the need for very small clothing. Even though approximately one half of the babies in the world are boys, it seems all the baby clothes are made for girls by girls." And the guys set about changing this- and what a result! I cannot wait to proudly cart my little pumpkin around in true Norwegian style!

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