Sunday, September 12, 2010

Weekend Yummy Mummies

It's not just me that love love love spending blissed out weekends with my beautiful baby. These famous mums are totally enjoying it too!

New mum Rebecca Gayheart and adorable little Billie Beatrice headed out for weekend brunch with some friends.

Ashley Simpson-Wentz and her little Bronx-Mowgli indulged in some down-time in NYC.

Sarah-Jessica Parker and James Wilkie also kicked back in The Big Apple, and took advantage of the early autumn sunshine to go for a walk.

Kourtney K. was spotted taking too-cool-for-words Mason out for some retail therapy over the weekend- with auntie Kim along for the ride!

Whilst Tori Spelling and stellar Stella relaxed by the pool- true L.A. style!

Weekend Bliss all around so!

(All images:

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