Sunday, August 8, 2010

To-Do Lists- An Addicts Confession

I have a confession to make. I LOVE lists. I mean, I seriously love-them-to-the-point-of-being-crazy-addicted kind of love them. And always have. Geeky, I know! From I was a child, I used to write lists detailing what I wanted for my birthday, what I was going to bring on holidays, how I was going to get boys to fall in love with me- I know, I know, lameville here I come, but it worked! And in school and college I could not manage without my to-do lists, of all sorts. In what order to do assignments, what books to bring when, what to bring in that day; in shorts, I had lists on everything. And then just crossed things off as I went along, making sure things were done at time. I think my obsession with lists are down to the fact that my mind is really pretty AD/HD, meaning it bounces from one thought to the next without much notice and I always have about 100 projects going on at any given time, so without lists, I would be utterly lost.

And now, after having Nahla, when my days are a whirlwind of all things related to her all day, I more so than ever need these lists to make sure I stay on top of things that have to be done. Tickets that have to be booked, bills that needs to be paid, appointments that needs to be booked. And it doesn't end there. Shopping lists, packing lists, birthday card lists; you name it, I have a list for it. My diary, this cool plastic folder little thing from Ordning & Reda, is always stuffed to the giles with all my lists- with big red lines going through all tasks I have completed. As a mum, I have found that, sometimes, our days can be so overwhelming that at the end of the day, when Nahla is tucked up in bed and I'm running around trying to get things done that needs to be done before I go to bed myself, I just get a bit lost. I remember I had lots to do, but not remembering what. Enter lists. A busy mummy's best friend. I have pieces of paper- yellow post-it's- at the ready everywhere, and the as I go along, I jot down things- making it so easy for me to make sure no bills go unpaid, no items left behind when we go places, that we never run out of essentials and so on and so forth.

As I am now typing, I am also semi-busy packing, as tomorrow princess and Mummy head back down to Oslo. And we have a busy week ahead before we again pack our bags next Sunday and head for Ireland and BF/Daddy. Book dentist appointment for Mummy Wednesday? Check. Spa Appointment for Thursday- to finally get to use that gift voucher from last Christmas. Check. Pack Igglepiggle into my handbag for tomorrow? Check. See, Very Organized Mummy indeed!

(Photo Credit: A Kate Spade ad from an American magazine)

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