Sunday, August 29, 2010

Spoon-Lickingly Good!

Yesterday Nahla was having yet another one of her infamous hunger-strikes. Nothing- and I mean NOTHING I gave her seemed to do the trick. Ella's Kitchen- pretty much the entire range? No way. HIPP yoghurts? Nada. Some rice and tomato sauce? Nope. But then, as we were icing the cupcakes for the baby shower, my little 6-year old cousin let Nahla have a little taste from her spoon. And to say she liked it would be an understatement. My little sweet-tooth tot! She opened her little mouth with great anticipation when Therese's spoon was approaching- and literally lit up with joy when she was allowed to hold the bowl and poke around with her sticky little fingers! Don't worry, I am well aware that icing for dinner is not going to work going forward. But today, we let it slide!

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