Saturday, August 21, 2010

Mummy Lesson Learned Today

Or crazy early this morning would probably be closer to the truth, to be honest as Nahla was wide awake and chatting away at 06.14 A.M. Last night, as an attempt to get her to sleep a little longer this morning, my little munchkin stayed up till a quarter past eight- a full 45 minutes later than her usual bedtime. Which- off course- backfired in a spectacular way, causing her not only to be up at the break of dawn this morning, but to also be awake at least twice during the night. I say twice as those were the times I tended to her, at which point I was so out of it that if she was awake more, BF must have taken care of business- in a very quiet way as well at that, bless him. Note to self: NOT A GOOD IDEA keeping baby up at night- they'll get their revenge in the most horrific way!

(Photo Credit from here)

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