Monday, August 30, 2010

All I Want For Christmas..

.. is the new AMAZING Amazon Kindle. I am well aware that as I write this it is August, and- generally speaking- my wish lists for Christmas tend to be edited and re-edited about a million times before the holidays roll around (just ask my little sister, who never buys anything for me until December 23rd, as she knows what I said I wanted on December 1st, might be completely different from what I wish for on December 20th!), but seriously, how cool is this gadget?! L.O.V.E. And not only is it cool to look at and will fit oh-so-neatly into my handbag, it can also hold 3,500 books(!), has built-in wi-fi, so you can download whatever you want, whenever you want, at only 241 grams, it even weighs less than a paperback- and; a single battery charge lasts up to one month! Can you tell I am obsessed?!

(Photo Credit from here)

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