Wednesday, July 28, 2010

We Have Arrived!

After yet another easy peasy trip, Princess and Mummy have arrived at Finnsnes, our destination for this little mini-holiday/family visit. Nahla was great all day, loving hanging off Mummy in her Babybjörn sling while on the go, and sitting happily in my lap on the flight. A little nap during take-off, and some yummy milk in her bottle and voilá; one happy little camper!

And- apart from the weather- it is nice being home. +6 c, grey skies and snowcapped mountains does NOT a summer make as far as I'm concerned. But on the bright side, as sunbathing is not really on the agenda, it leaves plenty of time for blogging, making thank-you cards for Nahla's Christening, catching up on paper-work and playing with my beautiful baby!

(Photo Credit from here)

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