Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Just The Two Of Us

As night is falling outside our window, this Mummy is feeling a tad lonely. Daddy/BF had to return to Ireland this afternoon for work, after what I can only describe as a lovely lovely week. It had felt absolutely amazing being like a proper little family, and I think I speak for both Nahla and myself when I say that we are now counting days until we are all reunited again. Which is (only) 3 weeks away, on August 15th. But before that we have some busy times (again!) ahead! First of all, tomorrow and Friday we are going to spend some quality time with lovely Kim, one of my college friends/ex-work colleague/prior housemate, as she happens to be in Oslo for the weekend. Then Thursday next week, cupcake and myself are flying up to Finnsnes, up north, for a visit to Bestefar and Bestemor (Grandad and Granny), the local summer-festival, a bit of mountain-hiking, coffee-mornings with friends and all in all a nice relaxing time. And after returning to Oslo on August 9th, we just about have time to prepare and re-pack for Ireland, Daddy and house-hunting! Phew! A personal assistant would have come in über-handy!

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