Thursday, July 22, 2010

It Never Rains But It Pours!

Or something along those lines. In my case I am talking about babies. Snuggly, cuddly, lovely little bundles of joy. Nope, relax, not for me, I am not pregnant- that I know of anyway- but people around me seem to suddenly be breeding like there was no tomorrow. First of all, my little sister Tonje, who is only younger than me by 18 months so needless to say we are pretty close, is due her first baby in October. Then BF's sister, M, will get a visit from the stork mid-December. A good friend of mine will welcome her second bundle in January, and a handful of other friends are all in "the family way". So you see; babies are so the new black! Just kidding! Much as I LOVE the fact that there does seem to be a certain trend-factor at the moment in reproducing, making me able to devour celebrity mummy and baby news around the clock, I am generally just really happy that so many girls that are close to me seem to be going through much of the same as I am at the same time.

And with all these new little people waiting to be born, sure there is an abundance of baby-showers waiting to be held. And I love nothing more than some serious party-planning as you all know! First out is my sister's, scheduled for August 28th- a mere two days after I return from Ireland, so as you can imagine life is hectic as usual here chez Yummy Mummy and princess Nahla! As I am still waiting to get the complete list of girlies she wants present of Tonje, I am playing around with themes and ideas instead. So much to do, so little time!

(Images courtesy of here and here)

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