Sunday, June 27, 2010

Christmas Came Early...

Back in April, while originally on the hunt for an Igglepiggle cuddly toy, I picked up this incredibly cute Hello Kitty car walker, thinking it would make the perfect Christmas present for my little princess. On the box it said 12-36 months, so what could be better, I thought, as princess turns 1 on December 26th. So into the basement it went, waiting for the holiday season to roll around. Until today, when I, in the midst of tidying some stuff down there, discovered the box yet again. And figured it was kinda cruel to keep it just sitting there, sure I will probably find a million things I will want to buy for her before it is Christmas. So we brought it upstairs, and although my own little kitty is still 6 months away from the recommended age, she was overjoyed with her new wheels! At least, that is what I took all the clapping and bla-bla-bla's to mean!

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