Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Yummiest Mummy Of Them All?

As you all know, I have since becoming a mum developed a teeny tiny obsession with fabulous women who are also mummies. Marveling at those who are doing a great job managing being both an amazing mum, as well as still staying true to your fabulous self; hence my many yummy mummy style crushes. And I thought I knew them all; Jessica, Nicole, Gisele, Ashley; you name them, I have paid homage to their yummy-ness. But despite me thinking I was keeping up to date with the Hollywood momshells, here I was missing out on the yummiest mummy of them all! I got my tip reading an American mummy blog, and seriously; I die! Meredith Melling Burke; you are my total new mummy crush! Meredit Melling Who I hear you say, but read on and learn. This utterly fabulous creature is an editor with fashion's most important publication; American Vogue. She is also a mum. And I love love love her! The seriously savvy wardrobe? Check. The cute kids? Check. The DREAM JOB? Check. A total yummy mummy/working mum inspiration? Check, check, check!

(Photo Credit from here and here)

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