Friday, May 14, 2010

Paris Countdown: 17 days!

My God, only realized today that our little Paris adventure is approaching pretty fast now. Need to get wardrobe sorted ASAP. As well, before we head off, there is the "small" matters of unpacking from this trip up north, re-packing for Paris, Dublin and possibly the south of France as well, Nahla's 5-month(!) check-up with booster injections on the 26th of this month, as well as my Big Birthday BBQ; PHEW! It seems my life is always taking place in the fast lane! It makes me actually, much as I LOVE being busy, traveling, holidays and rushing around, long for this autumn when we have our house, when I can have people over, put my feet up on the sofa with a glass of Rioja, beautiful baby asleep in her room, cuddle on the sofa with BF and watch a movie; in short, just take it easy for a while!

(Photo Credit from here)

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