Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Importance of US time!

To every parent, there comes a time after what seems like weeks in a blur of diapers, vomit, boobs, broken sleep, cuddles, baths, pj bottoms all day and a general all-consuming-baby-centered day to day existence, you all of a sudden realize that making the effort to spend time together as a couple is actually super-important. And maybe especially in mine and BF's circumstances, where we literally fly in and out of each other's lives- and romance happens over Skype! Which, in fairness, isn't really all that romantic at all.

So we did it. Spent time together I mean. And it was great. And a bit scary. And great again. Taking advantage of the fact that my mum and dad were in Bristol as well, and staying in the Radisson Blu hotel, which was conveniently located a five minute walk form BF's apartment, on Thursday night we left Nahla over to her more-than-happy-to-look-after-her grandparents, and headed out for a romantic evening of tapas and a movie. Las Iguanas was the perfect venue for our first date-night just over four months; just the perfect amount of dark, busy and scented with the heady aroma of yummy Spanish food. BF and I ordered a selection of tapas, and my very first strawberry daquiri in almost a year! It was perfect; the taste of summer in a frosted glass! BF opted for the more suitable to tapas glass of red wine, but I could not care less, having suffered one cocktail-less summer, I am going to enjoy this one to the full-in the off chance that I might be in the same pregnant predicament when next summer rolls around! Not that i am planing on it, but you never know...

Then after a yummy meal, BF and I walked up to Cabot Circus and went to see Iron Man 2- his film of choice, certainly not mine, but aren't relationships all about compromise? Too right say you- and believe me, the next film we go to see will be something involving Jennifer Aniston. Or Josh Lucas. Or preferably both... Anyway, the film was not the worst I guess, a vast step up from Avatar that BF forced me to see in December, when I was pregnant, hormonal and moody- you can imagine what a joy I was! And after all, the main objective was more the fact that BF and I could hold hands and cuddle in the darkness of the cinema yet again, and not so much the actual film we saw. Again; my opinion, not his.

So all in all, we enjoyed a super-great night out, got to talk, eat, cuddle, drink, hold hands and behave like adults for a blessed night- and as the biggest bonus of them all got to pick up our adorable sleeping daughter from her grandparents hotel room and bring her home- where she continued sleeping for the entire night! I am a lucky lucky girl!

(Photo Credit from here and here)

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