Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Back in Oslo!

After a pretty uneventful trip- my mum was with us which was so nice- my cupcake and I are back in Oslo again, where the weather was super-summery! Yeah! I can't wait to hit the city tomorrow to check out what's new in the shops in the summer-wear department! Zara, Filippa K and H&M; here we come! Anyway, being back in the apartment in Oslo made me- yet again- realize that we have so outgrown this place. Physically. Literally. Ever since Nahla made her arrival and started accumulating an insane amount of clothes, toys, feeding equipment, books, more clothes and so on, the walls are practically bulging outwards! Seriously, I really struggled today to try and tidy away our clothes, unpack from both Bristol and our trip up north, and to try it make it all fit back into drawers and wardrobes again- it is as if our stuff has magically quadrupled in the space of a month! God; I long for more storage! A home office. A sofa so inviting you just want to sink in and never get out. The list goes on. Basically, I am mentally so ready to have more space. Tidy big bright rooms. My dream house...

(Photo Credit from here and here)

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