Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Today's Yummy Mummy Style Crush

After my little play-day in the park today, I am as you know full of admiration for parents juggling several kids. And more so even when they on top of having four children, manages to look as good as Brooke Burke does. The American TV personality, who is mum to kids Neriah, 10, Sierra, 8, Heaven Rain, 3, and Shaya Braven, 2, is totally my new "Busy Mummies Can Totally Look Amazing" inspiration! And now on top of her other obligations, Burke, 38, is working on a parenting book she is calling "The Naked Mom", where she plans to write about the task of balancing both career and kids and to give an "uncensored, revealing, vulnerable and sexy" account of her experience with motherhood." Sign me up, Brooke! Throw in some fashion advice as well, and I am sold!

(Photo Credits from here)

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