Sunday, April 18, 2010

Stressful Sunday...

You all know how much I LOVE Sundays, right? They are usually my favorite day of the week; just made for long lazy mornings, brunches with friends, either around your own kitchen table, or out in some lovely restaurant, walks in the park, window-shopping, and in general just blissful lazy evenings in front of the TV, cuddled up with your family. This is the way all Sundays should go down, nothing but fun, family and friends to make you high on life, and ready for the week ahead.

But this Sunday, much as I still enjoyed a nice day with my beautiful baby, and had a lovely dinner in my auntie and uncle's house, where I got to spend time with my adorable cousins, today was just filled with angst and stress. Europe is still engulfed in black volcanic ash from Iceland and their stupid erupting volcano, and air-travel is still pretty much at a stand-still, with only little pockets throughout the continent open for travel. Which sucks. For me personally- and for all the other thousands of people who are stuck and can not make it home, or on holidays, or both. Trains are full. Buses are over-crowded. Taxies are making money like never before. And hotels in all the major cities have upped their prices with thousands; knowing that people will book rooms anyway, they don't have a choice at this stage. I spent the day glued to BBC News, as well as catching all the Norwegian news broadcasts. There is no real reason for optimism in sight. A little pocket of clean air tomorrow, but then more ashes throughout the week. The UK remains closed too. Which means my Tuesday morning flight to London is looking a bit unlikely to happen at this stage. Which upsets me greatly. Not only does it mean that I won't get to see BF, it also possibly means that my parents flights for Friday and Sunday- as they were to join us in Bristol and London for a few days- is also hanging by a thread. We had all been looking forward to this trip for ages, I know they miss Nahla so much, not being able to see her every day, and I just know they will be so disappointed if everything falls through at this stage. Please please Weather Gods, blow that ashes in a totally different direction!

(Photo Credit from here)

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