Monday, April 12, 2010

More House Dreaming..

As you probably already know at this stage, BF and I will finally be reunited- living-wise- this summer. He will be finished his MA at some point early August, and then we get to go HOUSE-HUNTING! Now; we have yet to decide where that house-hunting will take place, as currently we are at loss as to whether we should live in Ireland, Norway or the UK- although it is looking a bit like Ireland lately. But I don't care- where the house is located is rather less important at this stage; what matters are my plans as to what it will look like on the inside. I have become obsessed with interior magazines, interior blogs, online interior shops- you name it, I am looking at it- frequently! Yesterday I was dreaming of kitchens, planning in my head exactly what our will look like. Today I had a bit of a love-affair with lighting. I LOVE the way lighting can totally change a room, and I think you can make such a difference to the mood in a room by just changing your light-source. I think industrial lights are really cool, especially the sort of raw, factory like ones, both for pendants as well as task lighting.

BF tends to just nod in a sort of "whatever you think babe" manner when I show him what I love and crave, so i am hoping that he will just let me get on with it in terms of decorating- I can already picture some very expensive trips to IKEA and some rather extensive credit card bills from online-blow-out's!

(Photo Credits from here, here and here.)

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