Saturday, April 10, 2010

Keeping Up and Missing Out

When in Ireland, and I blame the sometimes long and lazy mornings we indulged in, I accidently developed a new addiction. And now, back in Norway where by no choice of my own I had to go cold turkey, life is hard. Like with most issues concerning addictions. Every morning in Dublin, without fail, I would get up with Nahla in the morning, and when she was having her bottle and some cuddles, put on E! Entertainment Channel and get totally caught up in the in's and out's of what was going on with the Kardashians. (Keeping Up With The Kardashians is the full name of the show). Trash TV does not even describe this completely, but oh so compelling. In the end, the last couple of mornings, I even got up when the baby was still snoozing, to make sure I caught the latest episode! Sick; I know. But Kourtney had a baby born December 14th, a mere couple of weeks before the arrival of my own little bundle, so not only do a feel a mummy-esque connection with her, I am also now completely obsessed with her style. She is rocking the post-baby-still-fab-thing like no-one else at the moment. And so now, back in the land of no Sky+ and no E! Channel, I have to get my fix online- thank God Kourt is an avid blogger so I can feed my addiction!

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