Sunday, April 11, 2010

Easy Peasy Pita Breads

Ok, before you start thinking I am having some sort of Martha Stewart On Steroids Sunday, I have recently been loving pita breads- and bought them in M&S on a regular basis when in Ireland. I mean, not only are they yummy enough in themselves, but you can fill them with all sorts of goodies. Like tonight I had some chicken-breasts I had defrosted and therefor had to use, so I stir-fried the chicken with loads of vegetables and some sweet chili paste, and then stuffed it all into the pita bread, along with some crispy green salad and cherry tomatoes. It was yummy, simple AND healthy; and what more could a yummy busy mummy ask for, really? And ever since stumbling upon this mix, I have now decided I never again have to buy pita bread in the shops, but can just as easily make them myself. Healthier and cheaper; goodness all around!

PITABREADS (batch makes around 12-14 breads)

4,5 dl tepid water
25 g yeast
1 table spoon of olive oil
1/2 tea spoon of salt
10-11 dl flour (strong white)


Mix the yeast with a cup of the water. When mixed, pour in the rest of the water, then add oil, salt and flour. Mix well, preferably in a food processor. Let the dough rise for about 30 minutes. Make 12-14 equally sized little buns, then flatten and make round with a rolling pin. Let rise again for about 10 minutes, then bake for around 10 minutesm oven set to 250 celsius. Cool and stuff!

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