Sunday, March 14, 2010

To Bake or Not to Bake..

As you all know, my little princess is 50% Irish, and in that regard, sure we just have to celebrate the most Irish of days! St. Patrick's day is coming up this Wednesday, and while we have the parade thing over and done with (the Oslo one took place last Saturday) we still have to do something on the actual day I feel. Her very first St. Patrick's! So now I am throwing a little "party" on the day, and will need to bake something. Something green at that. What can one make that is both green and at the same time edible you say. And this is the only answer: CUPCAKES OFF COURSE! With tons of yummy green frosting. Leprechauns optional! The odd Shamrock might look just right though. So this evening will be dedicated to skimming my beloved Martha's website for all things yummy and green!

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