Friday, March 19, 2010

Sun, Sand and Saltwater? Yes, Please!

As you now all know, I am not much of a winter person. At all. For all I care, winter could last from December 22nd till about December 27th, and that would be it. End of story. Then for the rest of the year we would have lovely summery weather. Warm winds. Sunsets. Bare legs. Cold white wine consumed in a deck-chair. Summer-dresses. Sand between my toes. Ok, you get the picture; I LONG for summer. Need it, want it, can't live without it.

So much so that I have now taken to planning not only this year's summer holidays- which is still a tad undecided, but also ways to make next year's winter seem shorter and better. Enter Thailand, aka My Favorite Place On Earth. Because while BF will be finished his MA and back to work, surly he can take holidays. And I can not think of a better way to spend the month of January- which in Europe is nothing but a string of grey miserable days strung together- on a beach in Thailand, just the three of us. Because while I have visited this amazing country several times already, BF has yet to go there, and I long to show him all these amazing places. Grand Palace in Bangkok. The breathtaking beaches of Koh Phi Phi. I can't wait for Nahla to taste her first banana pancake. Play in the sand. Perfect, perfect laid-back and lazy days in the most perfect of places on earth! Roll on January!

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