Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Organize, Organize...

Yesterday I realized that I need to start tackling the piles and piles of stuff that have assembled on my kitchen table over the last few weeks. Ever since I got home from the hospital with Nahla in fact. Because suddenly there was just not enough hours in the day to get things done. Such as file papers away. Online banking. Organizing the constant flow of papers that seem to be coming through my mailbox. So anyway, enough is enough I thought- after my mum kindly pointed out the dust that also seemed to have taken up residence on the table. And as I need an incentive to get boring stuff done; I started the organizing debacle by a little shopping trip. To Ordning & Reda. LOVE that store! Stuffed to the brim of folders, boxes, frames, plastic binders and other office-related goodies; it's a mecca for girlies like me who wants a certain sense of fabulousness to their organizing. And so now the color-theme to my paper-work is black and white with flashes of bright orange to brighten things up. Can't wait to get cracking on my future home office when BF and I get our house later this year!

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