Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mastitis. Again. F**K.

Last night as we went to bed I must admit I breathed a not-so-small sigh of relief. First set of vaccinations were behind us, and Nahla seemed to not have gotten any nasty side-effects from them. No fever. No crying. No fussing. Nothing. My little lioness, so little and yet so brave. And so I thought: "Yeah, all is good, Easter holidays, Ireland and BF/Daddy; here we come!" And as we are leaving EARLY Thursday morning, I had every intention to spend today packing. I used to be The Best Packer in the World. Seriously. For a girl I was AMAZING. I could get away with packing nothing but hand-luggage even for 2 week breaks in the sun. City weekends, family holidays, work trips; you name them, I could pack for them. And pack well. Organized, thought out and efficient. That was until Nahla came along. Now, having to pack for us both, I feel hopeless. I over-pack. I pack and then unpack, trying to figure out what we really need. I mess up my outfits, bring too much for us both; all in all am pack to packing square one. So believe me; I needed today.

And then disaster struck. For the second time. I woke up around 7 am with a now familiar ache in my right boob. And I mean ache. My whole breast was red and hard and full of lumps. I knew without even checking that I had a fever. I felt horrible. And then upon getting out of bed, I felt both dizzy and sick. So with Nahla on her playmat on the bathroom floor, Mummy took a long hot shower accompanied by her breast pump, then got sick into the toilet with the pain of it all. Not a great morning. Then Mummy reluctantly popped a paracetamol and took Nahla and went to bed for another couple of hours. Then rang GP for my second antibiotic prescription in two months. One word: YUCK.

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